وظائف خالية متاحة حالياً في بنك التعمير والإسكان


وظائف خالية متاحة حالياً في بنك التعمير والإسكان

وظائف خالية متاحة حالياً في بنك التعمير والإسكان

وظائف خالية متاحة حالياً في بنك التعمير والإسكان

وظائف خالية متاحة حالياً في بنك التعمير والإسكان في عدد من المحافظات:
للتقديم يتم ارسال الـ CV على الايميل: [email protected] مع توظيف المسمى الوظيفي في الـSubject

الوظائف المطلوبة:
1- Job Title:- SME’s Relationship Officer. (Cairo – Minia – Al Mahala – Al Mansoura – Alexandria – Zagazig )
Responsible for achieving the targeted growth of the SME portfolio according to the planned targets through maintaining and preserving trusting relationships with SME clients including consistent application of a credit policy.

The ability to attract new customer SME clients.

The ability to maintain an excellent relationship with current clients.

Ensure high quality of services.

1 -3 years of relevant banking experience.

Credit course is a plus.

Strong analytical skills with attention to details.

SME’s certificate

2- Job Title:- SME’s Credit Analyst. ( Cairo – Sohag – Damietta – Ismaillia )
Assessment and monitoring of credit risk according to regulatory and internal risk policies on a portfolio of SME’s clients

3 years of relevant banking experience.

Credit course.

Strong analytical skills with attention to details.

3- Job Title:- SME’s Products and Non-Financial Services Manager.
Managing and developing SME’s products and non-financial services.

10 years of relevant banking experience.

Credit course/SME’s certificate.

Strong analytical skills with attention to details.

3- Job Title:- SME’s Performance Officer.
Developing and managing working tools that help in achieving the targeted growth of the SME portfolio.

1 years of relevant banking experience..

Credit course/SME’s certificate..

4- Job Title:- Head of Strategic Planning
Building and monitoring of the bank’s strategic plan, following up on the economical, political changes and all related factors in the banking industry.

Bachelor degree in Economics /Commerce/Business Administration.

Excellent knowledge in (Excel- Word- Access- Pivot Tables- PowerPoint- Outlook).

Presentation skills.

Excellent proficiency in English.

Minimum 10 years of relevant banking experience.

Preferable with Post Graduate Certificates (MBA-CFA – CMA – Credit Courses…etc.).

5- Job Title:- Head of Statistics
Executing statistical data analytics strategy aligned towards optimizing revenue generation.

Bachelor degree in Economics/Statistics /Commerce/Business Administration.

Excellent knowledge in (Excel – Word – Access – Pivot Tables – PowerPoint – Outlook).

Presentation skills.

Excellent proficiency in English.

Minimum 10 years of relevant banking experience.

Excellent knowledge in (Excel- Word- Access- Pivot Tables- PowerPoint- Outlook).

6- Job Title:- مدير منتجات البطاقات ومتابعه المحفظة
الغرض من الوظيفه
تحليل و متابعة أداء محفظة البطاقات الائتمانية من خلال دراسة سلوك الاستخدام لحاملي البطاقات و أنماط المعاملات التي تتم عليها و من ثم تصميم الحملات التسويقية المناسبة

المسئوليات الرئيسيه

الاشراف العام على تطبيق تعليمات البنك

متابعة الاعمال التابعة للإدارة داخليا و خارجيا

تطوير الكفاءات بالإدارة

المتطلبات الوظيفية

المؤهلات العلميه والخبرات

مؤهل جامعي مناسب / بكالوريوس (إدارة اعمال – محاسبة) او ما يعادله

خبرة لا تقل عن 10 سنوات في المجال المصرفى

خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات فى إدارة مجموعات العمل

خبرة في أعمال البطاقات بكافة أنواعها

المهارات الفنية

القدرة على حل المشاكل

القدرة على ترتيب الأولويات

إدارة فريق عمل

مهارات تحليلية

إجادة اللغة النجليزية وإستخدام تطبيقات الحاسب الآلي

7- Job Title:- Regulatory Compliance Manager
Main Responsibilities:

Objectives:- Prepare and check reports on the bank adherence to the regulations and instructions given by the inspection regulators and to put regulations and further enhance the observation and inspection according to the admiration specialization.


Academic qualification that suits the job and it is preferred to be qualified in combatting money laundry.
Certified in the following field of courses: the combat of money laundry programs, control area programs and management programs.


A minimum of 12 years of experience in banking industry.
Experience in planning, problem solving and presentation skills.
Experienced in strategic planning and the investigation of suspected cases.

Technical skills:-

Competent in executing up to date procedures and the banking work systems which is related to the field of money laundry with all the legal instructions that rules it.
Competent in executing up to date banking services and knowing the latest updates in the field of automated systems.
Understands thoroughly the procedures of inspecting the compliance with the regulations of identity recognition.
The ability to analyse the bank’s policies and procedures and estimate its effect on operations
Fluency in English and computer skills.


[email protected]

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تعلن وزارةالشؤون الإسلامية والدعوة والإرشاد عن حاجتها الى موظفين جميع تخصصات للعمل بالسعوديه