Enjaz Consultancy طالبين Petty Cash Accountant

Alaa Ali

Enjaz Consultancy طالبين Petty Cash Accountant

  • To assist the Accounts Payable Department within the Finance department and is responsible for Petty Cash Management at Central Services. The incumbent is also responsible for maintaining financial records and the preparation of financial reports and spreadsheets.
  • Administers and processes all Petty Cash transactions within the parameters approvals and procedures.
  • Monitors the Petty Cash float.
  • Prepares Reimbursement Claims on a weekly basis.
  • Monitors the receipts, issues and deposits all cheques collected – external and internal clients.
  • Prepares vouchers related to various expenses.
  • Performs other related duties as assigned by the Supervisor.

Enjaz Consultancy طالبين Petty Cash Accountant


A Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant discipline is required – Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Business Administration, Public Administration, Accounting, or other related fields

Professional designation such as accounting/book-keeping would be an advantage high degree of computer literacy and demonstrated ability to integrate technology in the workplace

Knowledge of Microsoft AX Dynamics is an advantage

Strong verbal and written communication skills and a demonstrated capacity to interact with people at all levels of the organization

Attention to detail is a must

Enjaz Consultancy طالبين Petty Cash Accountant
Enjaz Consultancy طالبين Petty Cash Accountant

Enjaz Consultancy طالبين Petty Cash Accountant

The ability to work effectively as part of a team in a multi-cultural environment and to copy with pressure in a positive manner while working to deadlines within a busy and demanding environment

A demonstrated willingness to engage in professional development activities in order to develop and improve new and current skills, and to adapt to the evolving needs of the organization.

Ability to read, speak and write in the English & Arabic languages in a clear and concise manner.

Ability to manage staff and carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization’s policies and applicable laws.

A minimum of 2 years of related work experience in a similar position, responsible for finance, accounting, and cash management

Experience in handling petty cash, preparing vouchers, and accounts payable

Apply from here
أهم ثلاث نصائح عند كتابة CV

عند الدخول في مجال عمل جديد لابد وأن تعرف قواعد وأسس هذا المجال والتي تحدد ملامحه وشكله، كما يجب عليك أيضا أن تعرف طريقة عمله حتى تحقق نجاحًا فيه”.

فى نهاية المطاف ، يجب على كل منا بذل قصارى جهده فى عمله حتى لا يكون عبء على العمل
و بذلك تنهض الدولة و أيضا المجتمع

ربما يكون العمل شاق و لكن مقارنة بالفراغ فهو أمر ممتع جدا
بالأضافة إلى أنه يجب التحلى بالصبر أيضا لابد من الحكمة و الأنجاز فى الأعمال و التركيز على الأهداف
بشكل خاص الأعمال التى تحتاج إلى ابداع
يبدو أن الأمر يحتاج المثابرة والإصرار حتى تصل إلى ما تريد ، أيضا تحتاج للبحث المستمر و الإطلاع .
نتيجة لذلك لابد من تطوير خبرتك و الإطلاع على كافة التطورات التى تخصه حتى تحقق نجاحا باهرا
اذًا ، يجب على كل فرد بذل قصارى جهده فى عمله حتى لا يشعر بتقصيره فى العمل

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